Open Studio & ART: Artist’s Round Table

Open Studios:

An Open Studio is a on-line meet up where we can create together and discuss techniques. I will provide a theme or topic or activity in advance or I will suggest it as part of the meeting intro. Open Studios are held monthly. Sign up below for the next one.

A.R.T.: Artist’s Round Table

A.R.T. is a moderated online conference gathering featuring an expert in a field related to the arts. The round table will include guest moderators or speakers who will address special topics and guest interviews followed by an open discussion. A.R.T. events are one time events that are announced through my mailing list and on social media. Sign up info and the ticket price will be provided then.

E-mail me with your ideas: I would love to receive topics for an A.R.T. event and themes for an Open Studio from you.  Email me at to submit your ideas

Why join in on an Open Studio or A.R.T.?

  • It is advantageous to hear different viewpoints from others who have the same or similar struggles.
  • They are informative and educational. 
  • Attending can also be a good way to see if creativity coaching is a good fit for you.
  • Participants form a unique camaraderie from sharing the experience.
  • They attend because they want to be there.
  • It is a collaborative experience; individually we don’t have all the answers, but collectively we can teach each other.

All in all, my Open Studios and Artist’s Round Tables are a great opportunity to interact with fellow artists.

Open Studios are 40 minutes. They are scheduled for the third Tuesday of the month and start at 1:00 PM. The studios are recorded so they are available for future reference; in case you miss it or can’t be there for the entire time. If you don’t have access to a wifi or cellular device and connection for audio and/or video, you can dial in (even from a landline to listen only (and review the audio/video later).