Mandala Painting – Kitchen Table Art Workshop May 2

Mandala Painting

May 2, 2021

Kitchen Table Art Workshop


If you are building your own kit, please contact me at for instructions. The kits distributed through the library are robust and you will not need the entire contents to get started painting mandalas. I can help you narrow down exactly what you will need. Most of the items can be found at home. You will also need acrylic paint – 3 to 4 colors to get started.

If you are receiving a kit from the library all you will need to bring are some paper towels and a small container of water for cleaning your tools. Material will be provided for you to paint on but bring a flat rock if you would also like to try painting on one during the workshop.


Set out your tools with the container of water and paper towels on a sturdy table or area where you will be relaxed and comfortable.


Shortly before the meeting, the link for the meeting on Zoom will be emailed to you from me, my email address is please add it to your contacts so it does not go into spam. Or the info will come from Kim at the Franklin Public Library.