A fascinating video!

At my house we love watching TV marathons of How It’s Made, Twilight Zone, and Mash. There is something comforting about lighting a fire in the Fall or Winter and being a couch potato with an all day marathon, especially during the holidays.

This How It’s Made video is about book making. It leads us through a process from typesetting to assembly.  If you’ve taken one of my altered book workshops your will recognize the famous and by now familiar to you signatures. There are a number of other youTube videos from this TV series on book making and all the seasons are on Prime.  A search on youTube for traditional booking making will even find one about automated stapled- book making.

In this video they intermingle traditional methods with modern processes.  Since I once worked as a typesetter this episode, for me is by far, is the most interesting. Enjoy!

How It’s Made book making.