Materials & Equipment List
Fluid Painting Acrylic Pour Guide
Below are materials we used in the workshop and that will help you get set up to pour at home.
Here is the Acrylic Pour Guide which reviews the techniques we followed in the workshop and contains more info on materials.
I do not receive compensation when you purchase from the links I’ve provided; the links are for your information on the product only.
Best to set up two areas: one to mix paint and one to pour. I use a combination of newspaper, trash bags as table cloths, and trays to protect both areas.
Trays – many people have asked where I got the workspace materials that we used in class. We used large Genpac foam meat trays and aluminum half sheet cake pans. I purchase the foam trays by the case from restaurant supply stores, you may never use up a case so I suggest you ask a butcher for one. I get the sheet pans at Ocean State Job Lot (I have found they cost less there